Fall Prevention Awareness Week 2017 has officially begun!

For Immediate Release—November 6, 2017

Seniors’ Fall Prevention Awareness Week aims to reduce falls among seniors in BC

Campaign promotes exercise, vision care and other prevention tips

VANCOUVER – With slippery weather on the way, seniors are at higher risk of falling, which can lead to serious injury—even death. The BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit and the BC Falls and Injury Prevention Coalition are sharing tips that will help keep seniors safe.

Falls are the the leading cause of injury‐related deaths and hospitalizations for British Columbians over 65. On average each year, over 13,000 are hospitalized due to falls (36 per day) and over 500 die. The risk of falling increases with age, and women experience hip fractures and other fall-related fractures at almost twice the rate of men. These falls cost our health care system almost $500 million a year.

“A simple change, whether it’s getting an eye test, or asking your doctor or pharmacist how your medications can affect you, can really improve your quality of life,” says Megan Oakey, provincial manager of injury and falls prevention for the Provincial Health Services Authority and the BC Centre for Disease Control. “We are working with the health authorities to enhance our existing programs and make life better for older British Columbians.”

“When an older person falls, it can have an enduring and severe impact—resulting in injury, loss of mobility, a reduced quality of life and, in severe cases, death,” says Dr. Teresa Liu-Ambrose, the director of research and operations at the Falls Prevention Clinic at the Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute.

“Falls are preventable. There are a lot of things you can do to stay on your feet—stay active and strong with strength and balance exercises, get your eyes tested regularly, make your home safer, and know how your medications can affect you.”

Larry Lunghamer knows how much of a difference prevention can make. The retired 73-year-old, who enjoys travelling and house repairs, became more prone to falling after his stroke in 2010. Since then, he has fallen 22 times. One fall left him with three cracked ribs.

“I was going up and down the river by my house with my walking poles,” says Lunghamer, recounting another incident in July 2016. “Within about 100 yards, I fell three times. That started to concern me.”

Lunghamer’s doctor recommended he take action, so he started attending Vancouver Coastal Health’s Falls Prevention Clinic. He participated in a research study, and now attends an exercise class two days a week. It has been seven months since his last fall.

The Government of BC has proclaimed November 6­–12, 2017, Seniors’ Fall Prevention Awareness Week, and the BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit and the BC Falls and Injury Prevention Coalition have launched a safety campaign. Posters are on display at all public health units, major pharmacy chains and physician’s offices. Organizers encourage the public to visit www.findingbalancebc.ca and share fall prevention tips with their family and friends in person and on social media using the hashtag #preventfallsbc. The Campaign Toolkit contains printable posters, email signature blocks, social media messaging and more.

Fall prevention tips for older British Columbians

  • Keep your body active with strength and balance exercises.
  • Have a doctor or pharmacist review your medications.
  • Have your eyes checked once a year by an optometrist.
  • Install safety equipment in your home:
    • Clear clutter from walkways and stairs
    • Install handrails on both sides of stairs
    • Keep walkways, steps and handrails in good repair
    • Install grab bars in your bathroom
    • Remove carpets or rugs that present a tripping hazard
    • Use only non-slip rugs on the kitchen and bathroom floor, and non-skid mats, decals or abrasive strips in the bathtub and shower
    • Install night lights in the bedroom, bathroom and hallways

BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit is a leader in the production and transfer of injury prevention knowledge, supporting the integration of prevention practice into the daily lives of British Columbians. Established in August 1997, the unit is located at BC Children’s Hospital, an agency of the Provincial Health Services Authority, and is a core research program within the “Evidence to Innovation” theme at the research institute of BC Children’s Hospital. The unit’s role is to serve as a provincial “hub” to provide research-based leadership and coordination to stakeholders in order to reduce the societal and economic burden of injury among all age groups in British Columbia.

The BC Falls and Injury Prevention Coalition is a multi-sectoral collaborative of individuals and organization members who have regional or provincial-level representation for an organization, academic institution, professional association, and/or a community agency whose work has the ability to influence the reduction of falls and fall-related injuries among older persons in British Columbia.

The Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) plans, manages and evaluates selected specialty and province-wide health care services across BC, working with the five geographic health authorities to deliver province-wide solutions that improve the health of British Columbians. For more information, visit www.phsa.ca or follow us on Twitter @PHSAofBC.

 Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute is the research body of the Vancouver Coastal Health and a world leader in translational health research. VCHRI is academically affiliated with UBC Faculty of Medicine and includes three of BC’s largest academic and teaching health sciences centres—Vancouver General Hospital, UBC Hospital, and GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre—as well as other hospitals and public health agencies across Vancouver Coastal Health. As one of Canada’s top funded research institutes, VCHRI receives between $80-100 million in research funding annually to support health research and discoveries with direct health, economic and social impact on British Columbians.


Media Contacts
Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute Communications
604-875-4111, ext. 22782

Provincial Health Services Authority
Media Line: 778-867-7472


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