UBC Learning Circle event to take place Nov 5, 2015. Register now.

Falls and Injury Prevention for Elders Living in First Nations Communities

fnhaThe rate of fall injuries among older adults in Aboriginal communities is almost twice that of the non-Aboriginal older adults. Little is known about the factors that contribute to this significant difference, or of appropriate prevention strategies. In this presentation Dr. Vicky Scott will describe a new project to adapt an existing fall and fire prevention program specifically for First Nations Communities. The program known as ‘Strategies and Actions for Independent Living’ (SAIL), has been shown effective in the general population of home support clients. This 3-year project involves a series of training workshops and evaluation site visits for over a dozen First Nations communities to determine what is most appropriate and feasible with regard to fall and fire prevention in remote and urban First Nations communities. In addition, we will show a short video of a pilot project of Tai Chi exercises with First Nations elders.

Learning Objectives:

1. To learn about the scope of the problem of falls among First Nations elders.

2. To learn about an existing and proven fall prevention program being adapted for use in First Nations communities.

3. To learn how to conduct assessment measures for fall risk.

4. To learn about current best practices in fall prevention.

Everyone Welcome to Participate

Date: Thursday November 5, 2015
Time: 10:00 am to 11:30 pm (PST)
Where: Participate live via videoconference
OR computer webinar.
Registration: Required to participate

For more information, and/or to register for this event CLICK HERE.

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